Working freelance? The 1st thing a person would think is why work freelance? Or what working freelance exactly means. Freelance is when you work for a organization or a group of people on temporary basis it may be work from office or from home and there are no strings attached. It’s like a one night stand. The best part about working freelance is you are free to do the work assigned as per how u want it to be, it is like your bosses are not molesting your brains no work pressures. People who work freelance usually work on multiple jobs, a friend of mine works for 5 organizations he’s got the best life I have ever seen, I seriously envy his life he’s a freelance photographer, freelance writer, a freelance flash developer, part time guitar tutor and works for a travel website. His life is like travel 3 days a week cover his stories, take awesome pictures for his magazine freelance job and develop flash creative’s for an advertising agency for another 3 days in a week and teach guitar to his students. He’s got the best life anyone would ever live. He’s got all the elements in life he wants, he’s living in a dream world. He’s got everything he wanted, he’s getting to go places, and he loves photography, enjoys music and loves working on flash.

Well freelance is all about working on what you are actually good at and what u want to work on. The next question would be how? Well getting a freelance job is not that simple, it’s very important that u have a good network of freelance workers. Especially if you are trying to find a freelance job online it’s very difficult convincing that you are really great at your work. Following are things you would require if you want to work freelance online.

Things you need

1. Make a portfolio of your work.
2. If you are fresher, please have a ready resume with your family background and your educational background.
3. You will have to have a Paypal account (this is where you get the money from and it’s free).
4. You will need to have a really good internet connection, so that you are available when required (proves that you are reliable).
5. You should have really good communication skills, so at least you’ll be able to convince people you are pitching for your work.

Where to look

1. There a list of classified websites like, Craigslist etc (simple to pitch in clients)
2. There are a lot of freelance job provider websites like elance (which is free), but there are a lot of other website also where you’ll have to pay and join (this is a loop hole, I suggest not to get into paid services)
3. Job sites like also provide freelance jobs.
Create a network of friends on networking sites like, etc. They will definitely refer you some jobs.
4. If you are mostly into print and media, have a good networking of friends who work there.
5. If you want to work freelance for a particular website, for content or imaging keep monitoring a list of websites who require these people and check if they require someone freelance.

And in the end I would just suggest you to keep on updating your knowledge, knowledge is a continuous process it goes on till the end of your life.

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